
Body realignment therapy


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At Natural-Light we are committed to giving you a pain-free body.
We can help you whether you need peak performance or simply want to enjoy an active life

Body Realignment can help with restoring the integrity of the soft tissues of the body, eliminating toxins and helping restore the body’s natural balance.

Not only is the painful area treated in Body Realignment sessions but the whole body because, once there has been injury, there will have been compensation around that injury to protect it. In other words, because normal  movement has been affected, the body adapts but, in adapting, the body’s efficiency is affected.

Because the body has been stuck in incorrect alignment, sometimes for a long time, one session is rarely sufficient. The body needs to be re-educated and this means that consolidating treatments are needed to reinforce, to remind the body of what ‘normal’ is.

Using a holistic approach in our assessments and treatments, we aim to help you understand why your body is hurting as well as helping you to move more freely.
So we don’t only treat your symptom – we identify the cause of the problem.
The treatment that you receive with natural-light is 100% is tailored to you: your lifestyle, your aims and your needs

This session starts with a 15 min consultation and assessment followed by some work on the area of pain and will conclude with some exercises tailored to help you in between your sessions

You may be an elite athlete, a gym goer, a tennis enthusiast, or footballer/rugby player. Whatever your age natural-light can help.

Using a holistic approach in our assessments and treatments, we aim to help you understand why your body is hurting as well as helping you to move more freely.
So we don’t only treat your symptom – we identify the cause of the problem.
The treatment that you receive with natural-light is 100% is tailored to you: your lifestyle, your aims and your needs.

Duration:  60 mins

Price:  £80.00

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