Indian head massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the shoulders and scalp. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head and neck area.
Indian Head Massage usually begins with working on the upper back and shoulders. A combination of deep massage techniques and using pressure on release points helps to relax and loosen the muscles. Moving upwards, from the back into the shoulders and upper arms, helps release tension in muscles (such as Trapezius and Levator Scapulae) to release stress and tension. This helps to alleviate headaches. It also improves the circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid. Continuing with the upward movement, the scalp is then massaged using techniques that stimulate, relax and revive the entire head and scalp. This increases circulation and promotes healthy hair growth.
Often, it includes a gentle face massage to aid circulation, improve skin tone, and reduce sinus and headache problems.
Indian Head Massage Benefits: –
It is particularly effective in addressing the effects of stress.
£80 for 50 mins
£90 for 60 mins
£105 for 75 mins
£120 for 90 mins