
Reiki Training Level 1


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Reiki Level I is the start of a very exciting journey to discovering your own personal ability to heal yourself and your loved ones, it is designed specifically to assist you on your own healing journey. At Level I we are predominantly focused on healing oneself, it is only then that we become clear channels who are able to then heal others.

You will learn, how to open the energy channel and learn to channel it at the physical level both for yourself and others. The main focus of the course is for students to experience the Reiki Energy for yourself through self-healing. The initiation connects the student’s energy system to the Universal Energy, Energy Blocks are released balancing and harmonising the major energy centres. It connects the student Permanently to Source Energy. The Attunement is followed by a 21-day self-healing Chakra Cleanse. The first week is the Physical cleanse, the second week is the mental & emotional cleanse and the third week is the spiritual cleanse.

What you will learn in Reiki Level I

What is Reiki
History & Background
Reiki Symbol
Energy body and chakras
Six guidelines for working with Reiki Energy
Suggestions for enhancing your Reiki Practice
Self diagnosis & Self Healing
Healing Protocol – step-by-step guidance on how to perform healing
Clearing your energy before and after a session
Although many teachers give the first Reiki Symbol at Reiki Level II You will receive the CHO -KU -REI (The power Symbol) at Level I The way that it has been passed on to me by my Teacher. So that you may start using it immediately after the Attunement.

Attunement will be given during the course before our practice sessions, so you will have plenty of opportunity to practice your new skill.

You will receive your Reiki Level I certificate after completion of the course. (Full attendance is required.)

This will be a fun and insightful day of learning and feeling high vibrational energy, I cannot wait to welcome you on the day!

Next available date is Wednesday the 10th of July 2024.

For details, Please email us

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